Friday, March 8, 2013

What a Lovely Tea Party (Part 3)

This is the final installment of the tea party series.  I feel like I have to warn you.  I have purposely omitted disgusting images of gore, dead babies, and rape victims, but they do exist on the site.  Regardless, the images I am including are still disgusting in their own right.  As you read, please be aware that these images were, by tea party community standards, "viral."  Meaning, that if you look at the global feed, these images come up over and over again as they are shared by multiple users.  I'm in no way misrepresenting the views and opinions expressed by the site's members, although, I will admit that there are some members there who are not totally insane.  Also, know that if you were to reply to one of these images in any negative manner, you will be reported as a "troll," and banned from the site.

1) Racism!

 This premise is quite common on the site.  If they are informed that it is racist, they usually respond with something like "LOL, Liberal idiot.  All I said was she looks like an ape.  Yer the one who brought up race.  RACIST!"

See?  There are several versions.  They absolutely hate Michelle Obama.

   It's crazy!  They also call her "Moochelle," and talk about how fat and ugly she is.  Yes, fat.

Stephen Traxler is one of my accounts.  I usually stay out of things to avoid being banned, but this picture made me upset.  I was blocked from his page within 1 minute of posting.  He responded to me multiple times with more racist garbage.  But, since I was blocked, I couldn't respond anymore.  Cowards.


 According to the tea party, the worst thing you can do is be a muslim, followed closely by being not white.  The highest crime in the land is "Presidenting while black and muslim."

 Let's destroy an entire population based on their religion.  For a group that likes to make a lot of comparisons between Obama and Hitler, they seem to be A-OK with genocide.  The tea party is the American Taliban.

3)  Guns and Revolution!

I know, this one isn't all that crazy.  I started off with this one, because it's important to note that these are the types of weapons that the founding fathers were talking about.  I don't have anything against guns or gun owners, but let's be honest about what the 2nd amendment intended to do.

 I've heard tea-partiers say that they want to institute a common-sense test for citizenship, and voting rights, but not once did they consider taking this man's guns away from him.

 Is this something to cheer about, or is it fucking crazy?

This lady is a special kind of tea-partier.  She speaks in all caps, making her seem extra psycho.  She posts multiple times a day, and it's all paranoid revolution fantasies.  Here she demonstrates the tea party's love for Sparta.  Sparta was a militaristic society, ruled by a king.  Males were forced into military service, put into outposts and coupling was encouraged between them to strengthen morale and unit cohesion.

Yep.  It's surprising how often pictures like this are posted.  They aren't even always this subtle.  Sometimes they directly state that they wish to assassinate elected officials.  They have loosely interpreted the 2nd amendment in such a way, that they have the right to overthrow our government if it becomes tyrannical.  To them, tyrannical means that the wrong guy got elected.
"We can kill whoever we want.  I am not talking about revolution."  
 Stephen Traxler is subtly saying "good luck with all that."

4)  Homophobia!
This one is as funny as homophobia can beA guy posted a rainbow version of the "Don't Tread On Me" flag as his avatar.  That's it.  He didn't even post any comments.  Blake B, tea party hero, blocks him, reports him, and posts the Boy Scout logo.  No Gays Allowed!

"I attend a school online, and am therefore upset about things that are happening on the physical campus"  
"Understandable, Jackie.  You have every reason to despise them.  Here, read this wikipedia entry about the Sturmabteilung, the group partially responsible for Hitler's rise to power.  I think it will be very enlightening!"

 This one is fascinating in it's ability to mix racism, homophobia, Michelle Obama hate, and AIDS shaming.

5) Rape!

/conservative logic on
Liberals must love stabbing babies.  Also, Muslims are degenerates.
/conservative logic off

 Filth. Absolute, utter, trash.  I just...can't.

6)  Miscellaneous Assholes!

   What was President Bush doing when the planes hit the WTC?  Over and over, indeed.


Why would we want to nuke Detroit?  Because, you see, it could be turned into an all white country club.  

That's it.  I'm done with them.  I've gazed into the abyss for too long, and I fear that it will gaze back into me.  Participating in this community has been like touching poop.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

What a Lovely Tea Party (Part 2)

Before I get started with the second installment, I wanted to share another Kevin picture that slipped through the cracks.

What a little scamp!  

Now that's out of the way so let's move on to the adventures of Lt. Frank Drebin and Police Squad!   This works best if you read everything in Leslie Nielsen's voiceFrank Drebin was not very well received by the moderators, so after being banned several times before I could even post, I had to switch his name to Police Squad! to avoid detection.

After a while of this nonsense, wading through this site began to wear on me.  I wasn't pointing out the idiocy blatantly enough.  Many of my comments were getting "liked," and I began to realize that by not being explicit, my efforts were being wasted.  Some of them had no idea I was making fun of them.  I stopped talking in direct quotes, and this is where it got me (if it's too small to read press CTRL+ a couple times):

They weren't done there!  Because the website is dumb, you can only reply to a single comment 4 times.  Scardog needed to explain something to me desperately.  He posted directly to my wall:

I know that nobody came here to do math so here it is:  Obama has signed 143 EO's in 4 years, on a pace to sign 286 by the end of his second term.  GW Bush signed a total of 290 EO's in his two terms.  Regan signed EO's  12287-12667 for a whopping total of 380.  Source.  I am the dipshit, because of...math.

Police Squad! was too beautiful for this world and was banned before the argument could continue.  He's in a better place, solving crimes in Heaven.  (RIP Leslie) 

My next gimmick account didn't last long either.  These people have a serious phobia for the LGBT community, and a serious hard-on for conservative leaders.  What if one of their conservative leaders was transgendered?  Introducing Jan Boehner:

I am terrible at photoshop.
Jan Boehner is living a secret life as a woman/U.S. Senator, and balancing those roles can be tricky.


So, this is the community they have created for themselves.  They ban users for any form of intelligent debate, or any thoughts that don't conform to the tea party ideals.  At the same time they cry "FREEDOM" for their right to say whatever vile filth they wish to speak.  What was intended to be an echo-chamber for their opinions has become a bastion of trolls with countless gimmick accounts. 

The next installment will be screenshots of some of the horribly racist, sexist, homophobic, and violent images and comments I have found while on the site.  I promise it will be awful!



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What a Lovely Tea Party! (Part 1)

I haven't updated in a long time.  I'm busy with school, and I've also been busy with a little side hobby.  A couple months back some tea party folks decided they were fed up with Facebook.  Apparently, they don't like posting their horrible opinions and having these damn LIEberals disagreeing with them.  So, they created the Tea Party Community.  It's a Facebook clone for like-minded people to talk about politics.  Or whatever!

As it turns out, they were being censored by Facebook because of their extreme positions on politics, MUSLIMS!, gays, and how ugly Michelle Obama is.  I've never seen anything on Facebook as hate filled, and disgusting as what I'm seeing on this website.  It's no wonder they weren't accepted there.  So, they created their own community, where the number one value is freedom.  Freedom of speech, guns, and hate.  Freedom of anything your despicable, disgusting, fat-entombed heart desires.  Freedom to believe what they believe, and ONLY what they believe.  If you display even one iota of disagreement, they will ban your IP from the site.  Luckily, it's easy to register several accounts, and use proxies to bypass the IP ban.

I decided if I were going to join their community, I would first just dip my big toe in, to see if the water was filled with sharks.  It was.  Racist, sexist, gun carrying sharks.  My first account took on the persona of a lovable 8-year-old boy named Kevin McCallister.  Enjoy!


At this point Kevin got banned for the 5th time, so I decided to switch it up just a little bit.  Here is Kevin at age 17.  He's immediately noticed by a site moderator, but isn't banned immediately.


There you have it.  The naive wisdom of an 8 year old boy can sometimes be profound.  Kevin didn't last much longer after this, and this is getting pretty long.  When I continue, we'll see the adventures of Frank Drebin and Police Squad!  Shortly thereafter, I'll throw up some random troll accounts that I made that didn't last too long.  And of course, I'll just show you some images of how truly awful people can be.